How to Stay Healthy on Campus: Foodie edition

Maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging, especially for busy students with unpredictable schedules. In the past, I’ve struggled with the stress of figuring out what to eat while living away from home, often resorting to cheap and unhealthy options due to a lack of knowledge about nutritious foods. However, my experience changed when I arrived at Ewha, where fortunately, there are plenty of healthy dining choices near campus.

Taking care of your health is paramount, and a significant aspect of that is nourishing yourself with proper, nutritious foods. While I could talk endlessly about the importance of health, the bottom line is this: it’s essential for academic success and overall productivity. With that in mind, I’m excited to share some of my favorite healthy food spots near campus with you.

1. Amin Ewha (Mediterranean Cuisine)

Located right next to the campus, ‘Amin Ewha’ is the most expensive restaurant on this list. It’s relatively easy to find if you’re familiar with navigating Korean alleyways. To get there, enter the left alley next to the main gate, turn left at Cafe Pera, and continue straight until you spot the ‘AMIN’ sign. You’ve arrived! Amin Ewha serves fresh and flavorful dishes inspired by Mediterranean cuisine. Although I haven’t tried authentic Mediterranean food, the offerings here are still quite impressive.

What stands out most is the healthy, hearty food that leaves you satisfied. I often visit this restaurant with friends new to the Ewha area, and they consistently enjoy their meals. The main drawbacks are the prices and occasional waits for seating. Nonetheless, it remains a fantastic spot for nutritious and tasty food.

Current price range: 17,500won~25,500won

Opening Hours 11am to 9pm

Last order: 8:30pm

2. 까이식당 @bistrocai (chicken rice- Singaporean Cuisine)

For those who aren’t keen on salads or vegetables but still seek a relatively healthy meal, this renowned restaurant is the perfect choice. It’s beloved by both Korean and international Ewha students for its simple yet satisfying dish. The signature offering features tender cooked chicken atop a bed of rice, adorned with a few greens and accompanied by a flavorful sauce, a bowl of chicken broth, and a side salad. Priced at 10,000 won per serving, it’s a reasonable deal given the quality of the meal.

This spot is ideal for solo dining (혼밥) when you’re pressed for time and prefer not to socialize. Takeaway options are also available, allowing you to enjoy the delicious fare in the comfort of your own home or space. You’ll find the restaurant located facing the rear of the first Starbucks building, visible from the main entrance.

Current Price Range: 10,000 won ~14,000 won

Opening Hours: 11am~8pm

Breaktime: 3pm~5pm

3. 초식곳간 ( @vege_save salad)

As an avid salad lover, I am thrilled to have numerous salad spots near campus, but one in particular stands out as my favorite, “초식곳간”. Although its literal translation is ‘Herbivore Storeroom,’ this restaurant does not have an official English name—I confirmed this with the owner. However, they are active on Instagram, where you can peek behind the scenes at their operations (@vege_save). Located between the main gate and Ewha Station, the restaurant isn’t directly visible from the main road; it’s tucked away in a building behind the first Starbucks and Paik’s Coffee Shop.

Even if you’re not a big fan of salads but still aim to eat healthily and incorporate veggies into your daily diet, this place could be perfect for you. In addition to salads, they offer a variety of wraps and substantial, satisfying sandwiches. What makes this place exceptionally appealing is its affordability—unusual for ‘healthy’ food, which often carries a premium. According to the menu listed on Naver, all items are under 10,000 won, a steal given the quality of the salads and wraps. The owner prioritizes high-quality ingredients, ensuring that each meal is well worth the price. Overall, this spot is ideal for those looking to eat healthily without breaking the bank.

Current price range: 6500 won~9900 won

Opening hours 10am to 8pm

Last order: 7:30pm

4. Greek day (greek yogurt)

As someone with a major sweet tooth, I often crave sugary treats, especially during stressful periods like exams and assignment deadlines. While indulging in chocolate and other desserts isn’t inherently bad, I’ve noticed that the highs and crashes from processed sugars can actually exacerbate my stress.

However, cutting out sweets entirely would be too harsh, so I’ve found a perfect alternative. Greek Day is a Greek yogurt cafe that satisfies my cravings in a healthier way. What makes this place stand out is the rich and thick Greek yogurt, available in various flavors, ensuring you never tire of the options. Not only does this yogurt come with delicious toppings, but it’s also packed with health benefits, including 11 grams of protein per serving and plenty of probiotics to support a healthy diet. The shop offers a variety of preset menu options, but you can also customize your toppings to suit your taste. With its aesthetically pleasing decor, Greek Day is not just a yogurt shop; it’s also a cozy space where some people even choose to study like any other cafe.

Locating Greek Day is a breeze, especially if you’ve wandered around the Shinchon-Ewha area before. Positioned directly across from Shinchon Box Square, it’s hard to miss. For those unfamiliar with the area, simply head towards Shinchon Train Station. You’ll spot a distinctive black container box building nearby, and Greek Day is conveniently situated right next to it.

Current Price Range: 3,300 won ~ 7900 won

Opening Hours: 11am ~9pm

Last Order: 8:50pm

5. Be meal bakery (vegan options)

I’m excited to share a gem near campus, a vegan bakery called ‘Be meal’—a clever play on the Korean word for ‘secret.’ It’s conveniently located near Shinchon Box Square and Greek Day, perfect for grabbing some delicious treats after your yogurt fix. Specifically, you can find this cozy spot right next to the Shinchon district police station. Despite its small size, this bakery offers the best bread I’ve tasted in Seoul, including superb vegan options and healthy sandwiches ideal for a quick, light lunch on the go. I highly recommend the vegan olive ciabatta and the basil ciabatta; both are wonderfully chewy and make an excellent base for homemade sandwiches. Try to visit when the bread is just out of the oven—check their Naver profile for the baking schedule. And if you’re a fan of matcha, don’t miss their famous matcha mini tarts!

Current Price Range: 2,500 won ~ 9000 won

Opening Hours: 8:30am ~9pm

In conclusion, embracing a healthy lifestyle, especially through mindful eating, is vital for students navigating the demands of academic life. Thankfully, with a plethora of nutritious dining options available near Ewha campus, it’s easier than ever to fuel our bodies with wholesome meals that nourish both mind and spirit. By prioritizing our health and making informed food choices, we set ourselves up for success in our studies and beyond.

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